Events photography based in Tyler, TX. Mullins Photography is dedicated to capturing your most precious moments


When I began taking photos over 8 years ago I did so because of a tragedy that occurred in my life.  I lost my wife to Lymphoma.  My wife, Vanessa, was the one that took photos of our family as I never wanted to carry a camera around.  When she passed away, I realized I did not have anyone capturing photos of our son who was 5 moths at the time and our daughters that were 12 and 13.  I picked up her camera and started to "take pictures"  I began to fall in love with it, took photography classes and learned my art.  I continue to learn as there is much to learn about calling yourself a photographer and taking photos.  I do not take photos to get rich.  I take photos to honor my late wife with capturing the memories of special moments.  I take photos that will hopefully carry around you and your families memories for a lifetime and generations to come.